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January 12, 2011


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Jackie M

Awesome dude. I had mentioned an action figure needed to be made and Aaron Bleyaert agreed. I am sure your little gem will be mentioned.

Paul Pape

Thanks for the post. I actually heard from the Team CoCo people and they have the tracking info now. I overnighted it, so it'll be in their hands tomorrow. I'm excited to hear what they think.


That is way too cool! I hope they show it on air (I wouldn't doubt it). Can't wait to see what happens when they get it!


That is so cool! Can't wait to hear about this on the show! Hoping to see much more of The Flaming C.


That is badass! You are one talented and cool dude. Can't wait to see your work on the show. Congrats


Want! How can I get one?

Paul Pape

Josh, I'm working with Warner Brothers on making that happen. I'll keep you posted. Thanks!


Too awesome Paul, I just posted your brilliant creation on the Flaming C Facebook Page. Good luck and keep us posted, especially if it becomes an exclusive figure! I'm definitely inspired to make a Flaming C sketch card, Cheers!

Paul Pape

Thanks, Gerald! Will do!!


Sorry bout that last post.... all in all, it's great news!


This is great! I'll buy one and proudly display it with my Jai Alai collection.

We love Jai Alai and The Flaming C at merryfestival.com

Rosie Malezer

These babies will sell like wildfire in Finland :)


Great action figure, Can I buy one? This is really great. Can't wait to see your work. Thanks for sharing your masterpiece. :)

אריזות קרטון

Your work is inventive and valuable. Thank you for this fascinating post! This carton is really great.

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